Monday, February 3, 2014

Hello Everybody!

My name is Erin and i'm from Melrose, MA. I'm currently studying elementary education at Salem State university. I've always known I wanted to work with kids in some way as a profession. Deciding what area I wanted to pursue involving that was tough though. I have alot of experience working with kids in many different types of environments. I've worked in a daycare for four years. Volunteered at Children's Hospital Boston for two summers, taught dance to kids ages 3 to 12 and even had a little bit of in classroom teaching experience as a part of a high school education class. I originally had narrowed it down to either being a pediatric oncology nurse or a kindergarten teacher. Since I am not a big fan of science I decided nursing wasn't for me.I originally entered Salem State with the intention of studying early childhood education but as my first semester went along I began to question whether i'd prefer to work with older children. I decided that elementary education would be a better fit for me.
         As a dance teacher I have experienced the feeling of helping children succeed. When one of my students masters a trick or a turn that they had been struggling with it makes me ecstatic. It is such a good feeling to know that you helped them achieve their goals. I am sure I will feel this many times as an elementary school teacher as well. I can't wait to learn and grow into the teacher I aspire to be.

Me with some of my students at their performance

Education In Finland
I chose to include a link to an article about the Finland academic system. Ever since hearing Finland's academics being compared to the U.S.'s in the documentary "Waiting For Superman" I have been very intrigued by it. Finland has a very different way of educating children than the U.S. and they seem to be getting great results. I find it very interesting and I think the United States could benefit from trying to implement a few of the aspects that make Finland such a successful country academically. 

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