Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Why Become A Teacher?

          Whenever I tell people that I am studying education I am met with mixed reactions. Some are quick to point out all of the negatives such as limited job availability and low pay. Some respond by saying things like "oh you'll be great at that" or "oh that's cool." Until recently I'd never actually been asked to explain why I wanted to be a teacher. In fact when I was asked this question the first time I didn't quite know how to put it in words. It inspired thought in me. Why do I want to be a teacher? Well after thinking long and hard I came to the conclusion that there were about a million reasons I want to be a teacher. 

        Those people who were quick to focus in on the money aspect of the job make me feel a little sad for them. Sure it's important that you make enough money to live on but to the same token it is not everything. I'd much rather have less money and love what I do every day than have alot of money but hate my job. I recently read a quote that someone in my class posted online and its what I wish I had told all those naysayers.
          I want to become a teacher because I want to make a difference in the lives of children. I want to teach them how to love learning and how to think. I want to inspire them to be the best they can be. I have enough experience that I know that I have a knack for teaching and that I enjoy it. There is no feeling in the world like watching a student accomplish something they've been struggling with thanks to your help. The joy that teaching children brings to me is like no other and being able to do that every day and call it work is something I look forward to. It is one of the most rewarding careers. 

       I read an article on a website called takepart.com called "Why Teaching May Truly Be The World's Most Important Career." It really highlighted on some of the reasons why teaching is such an amazing career. According to Jerusha Connor an education professor at a Villanova University "ample qualitative research shows that a single teacher can shape the course of a young person''s future, for better or for worse." There are few professions in which a person can make that much of an impact. I know that my teachers have shaped who I am and I really hope to help shape who my future students become. I think to sum up the importance of teachers I will use a quote from Barack Obama in 2008. He said "The Single most important factor in determining (student) achievement is not the color of their skin or where they come from. It's not who their parents are or how much money they have. It's who their teacher is".


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