Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Educational Philosophy

       Throughout this week i've learned alot about different educational philosophies and how they effect the classroom environment and the teaching styles of individuals. I was really intrigued by this and was curious as to what philosophical style my ideas and thoughts would fall under. After taking a survey I found that I matched up with the humanism philosophy. I decided to research this further and see what it was really all about to figure out what that meant as far as my teaching in the future.
       Humanism, i learned, is an educational perspective that really stresses the importance of the individual learner and their development of self esteem. Humanists believe that "There is a natural tendency for people to learn, which will flourish if nourishing, encouraging, environments are provided." It also believes in the importance of children setting high goals and working hard to reach them. Reading this I realized that the survey completely nailed it as far as determining my philosophy of education. I believe that education should be based on each individual student and that the students interests and feelings should help shape the educational experience they receive.
        As far as my future classroom I think this philosophy will be visible and present in it. I will make sure that each student has what they need to succeed and I will make sure that I adjust my teaching style and techniques to the way my class at that time needs in order to learn. I will encourage my students to explore and learn on their own and to learn that education and learning need to come from them working and discovering the world in a way that relates to them. I believe that this humanistic approach will be a big part of my personal teaching style and philosophy

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