Monday, April 28, 2014

Teaching Is Like....

             I think teaching is like being a chef. Every customer is different just as every child is different so you must be able to always cater your meals/lessons to the individual. For example you could compare a picky eater to a child who is a visual learner. The picky eater orders the deluxe burger with no toppings because they don't like those toppings. Chefs must figure out a way to make sure that the burgers are still delicious even without all the extra other stuff. Teachers must do this with students who learn certain ways. A teacher must be able to identify the children who need specific types of learning and make sure they give them this type of learning in a way that they are still getting the same information and lesson material as the non visual learners. Another way that teaching is like being a chef is that chefs are always trying to improve their recipes to make them better just as teachers are always trying to improve their lesson plans and curriculum for the better. At the end of the day the feeling of accomplishment is the same as well. Just as chefs feel accomplished when someone compliments their food or enjoys their food, teachers feel accomplished when they see a student succeed at something. When preparing a big meal chefs must plan to make sure that all the food is ready at the same time despite different foods taking longer or shorter to be ready they must give each food the attention it needs. Teachers must do this for their students. A teacher must know how to make sure that by the end of the school year all the students have learned what they need to in order to succeed in the next grade, despite the fact that some students pick things up less quickly than others. Those individuals that struggle must be given the attention to be ready at the end of the year. Teachers and chefs have alot in common!

             I've learned so much from this education class this year. There are so many things that will stick with me as i continue this journey onto becoming a teacher. The first thing I learned was about culturally responsive classrooms. I think it is so important to create this safe and culturally accepting environment in a classroom and through reading others blogs and pins I have learned a few really awesome ways to do these things. I also learned about the different types of learning beliefs and school systems such as montessori. I think through these assignments i've learned that i can incorporate some of the ideas I like from these schools into my own planning and curriculum. A third thing I learned that will stick with me is the Place - Based Education idea. I think that learning especially science learning should be hands on and relevant to the student. I think as much as I am able to in the future I will try to implement place based science lessons in my classroom. I've learned alot from my classmates and their blogs this semester. It was so interesting getting to see everybody's take on issues and subjects. I learned alot of really cool ideas from people sharing past experiences and I think that It helped me get a better understanding of who I am as a teacher. This class was great.

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